Dear Stockton,
I'm at it again...I'm-a-huntin'-a-cat! This morning, bright and early, me and the lady at the Hotel Za-Za are having coffee. Out of the shadows, comes my prey. She is big, she is fat, she is ready to be chased! One lunge toward her, and that white hair flew up on her back, a loud warning hissssssssss came out of her mouth...I stop in my tracks. I know I can't win this battle. Big Boots is too much competition. I am moving on to more intellectual prey. I have decided to have a "stare down" with Pickles. She is sitting in the kitchen, while the lady continues to drink her coffee. I am sitting here as still as I can be, our eyes locked. Only this cat, Pickles, is much smarter than the rest of the prey. She waits me out--she stares right back, daring me to cross the line of her territory...To tell you the truth, I think I'll stay on my own side of the line this morning. It's kind of scary looking at that cat...on to other news.
Last night's sleep was the best!!! I am so refreshed. I slept (once again) on that big, white, fluffy bed. Only this time, the bed had me, the lady, her man, and two cats!!! I was in heaven; I counted 16 legs, all in one bed! Stockton, you do the math on that one!!! The lady and the man were talking that they had reached a new level of "pet-bed-issues" as they really didn't have much room to sleep--there were too many animals on that big fluffy bed!!! I am in heaven, Stockton. Please talk to our mom and ask her if I can sleep on her bed with I get back home to Alabama!
Oh another thing, Stockton. I went on a long walk last night with the lady. I pretended I was an Iditarod sled dog, pulling and pulling. The lady was patient, but boy did I pull that sled down Plantation street! Then I became a fierce hunter...every bird I saw, I wanted to chase and capture! Finally, I became Miss Lillie the Show Dog. I pranced and pranced, showing off for each passing inferior breed! Overall, walks are good (or should I say "sledding" is good!)
Not much else to report. I'm going to sneak in and have a small nip of cat food! I hope your trip is going well.
Miss Lilly
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